Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Columbus Circle Central Park Main Entrance Plaza

 Most street life took place on the sidewalk by the Central Park entrance.

    Along the edge of the circle were street vendors in collapsible stands selling photographs of New York City.  One man sat on a stool dressed up as the Statue of Liberty and sold NYC tour bus tickets and took pictures with tourists. A few men with signs offered bike tours of NYC and personal bike rentals. Street performers entertained in front of the monument of the Maine and had their collection pots sitting on the floor. Crowds of approximately 50 people gathered around them to watch. On 59TH St. (Central Park South) there were lines of rickshaws waiting for passengers. Just inside the park, behind the monument of the Maine, were bikes for rent.  Four workers manage the rental station. Large tour groups pass by entering and exiting the park, stopping for a few minutes to take pictures, watch performances and/or congregate and relax.
   Most people on the Time Warner Center side of the circle do not congregate in front of the building. The sidewalk is a transitional point from the street into the center. The security outside the center is much more noticeable. While on my visit to the site there was always at least one NYC police car stationed in front of the Time Warner Center and Trump International Towers and Hotel.  Sometimes there were as many as three in each location. Security pylons line the middle of the sidewalk protecting the building, but not the pedestrians, from stray cars and ill intentioned drivers. Such devices are not found on the park side of the circle. Smaller pylons and the planting/water fountain protect the inner circle from cars. The main focus is inside the center itself, behind its large glazed windows.
   The entrances to the subway station below sit on opposite ends of the circle’s outer edge. There is a standard sized subway entrance in the Southeast along Broadway and Central Park South. The other entrance is located in front of the Trump International Towers with the metal globe to the north of the opening. The entrance is a large circle impression opening into the ground with a grand staircase descending down into the station.  An elevator to the subway rests between the grand staircase opening and Central Park West
   The only place to sit is on the base of the monument of Maine.


  1. This is all potentially valid data, but it must be compiled and analyzed with a specific intent. What is your research focus and HOW is this information relevant to your query?

    Compile data into charts and diagrams that assist you in presenting your research hypothesis.
